วันเสาร์ที่ 5 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2558

วิธี Resize และ Crop รูปภาพใน Laravel 4


A Laravel 4 wrapper for the Imagecow image resizing / respoisive image package. Seehttps://github.com/oscarotero/imageCow for more detail on the underlying image manipulation package.
Image cow can use either GD or ImageMagick to transform image.


Install as any other Laravel 4 package:
1) Add to composer:
"require": {
2) Composer Update:
$ composer update
3) Add to the providers array in app.php:
    'providers' => array(


4) Add to the facades array in app.php:
    'aliases' => array(


    'Image' => 'KevBaldwyn\Image\Providers\Laravel\Facades\Image'
5) Publish the package config file to change the defaults:
$ php artisan config:publish kevbaldwyn/image
6) Copy the /vendor/imagecow/imagecow/Imagecow/Imagecow.js file to a publicly accessible web directory. The default path is set as /public/js/Imagecow.js, but whatever it is set as in the config the file must exist.



To provide image links on your templates use like so:
<img src="{{ Image::path('/image.jpg', 'resizeCrop', 400, 200) }}" />
Where the first argument is the image which is referenced from the root of the public directory. The second argument is the transform method and each subsequent argument is an argument that would be passed to the relevant transform method used. See the Imagecow Documentation for more details.


